A New Day

By ANewDay

A Warm Welcome

Took this photo of what looks like a new notice board just after I said goodbye to a lovely trio of blippers who had given me a very warm welcome to their village:-)

It was lovely to meet up with Katherine2805 and Susan1510 for a wander round the village and lots of interesting facts about the old buildings etc.  We even met up with "my" horses, which are currently in the field near Susan1510's house, but which I am assured will return to my field eventually!

Then it was off to the local tea room for a warming drink and cream scone and a meeting with another blipper, Murmuration, who had been at work all morning.  Delighted to meet her too and hope we'll all keep in touch.  Blip has played a big part in all our lives, in one way or another:-)

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