Just the Withers......

By JaneW

In the name of research..

I had to eat quite a lot of these small mince pies.My Mum of course helped in the research as it is after all snack Wednesday.Also we 'tested' a Stollen cake which was very moist and tasty and we had a few mini sugar doughnuts ..... just in case any one wondered if we had any savoury snacks we did... sandwiches.....
Jake was with us for the afternoon he managed to snack on the doughnuts too !!
Poor old Lucy is bunged up something terrible so sadly I let her have some doughnuts too.. I am a very selfless Mother ;)

Pepé had the vets AGAIN this morning and the Mr vet( as my Sarah has been selfish and gone on holiday) is delighted and astounded we are fixing that eyeball ! he felt sure it was a gonner.Anyway we go back next week and then it will be to discuss the long term care of the eye as we just need to see the week out with the last of the medicines.

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