Io, Io, Io

Sing bravely little choirboy. Tomorrow you will be shut up in a box until, hopefully, December, when I can hang you again on the tree.

Twelfth Night tomorrow, and the Christmas decs come down. Many have already removed their lights. A shame in a way. I recall how in Iceland many houses had lights in the trees and homes all through the dark winter.

Relieved Halim of shop keeping duties while he went to the mosque. He stood in for Aziz today who had gone on a trip to Marrakech. 

Len, Basil and I had a sandwich at Baxter Tearoom, where several had already started on afternoon tea even though it wasn't yet 3 pm. I couldn't have managed the platefuls of cake and sandwiches that were brought. I wonder how much food is thrown away or if the customers bring doggy bags.

Then to Joy's to hand her her Christmas prezzie and calendar. She's not been well, which was what I had half suspected. In addition, she has blood clots in the vein of her left calf and has been given medication. Anyway, she's bearing up well despite the strain of  not being able to enjoy a Christmas libation.

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