
By Northnexposure

A knock at the door

Most tines strangers ringing the front door bell provokes a tremor of anxiety when they're holding a clipboard and are either out to persuade you of the unique advantages of their double glazing or trying to convert you into the church of this, that or the other. Engage in conversation and you're done for. This time was different. The individual before me was from Centrepoint the charity that helps homeless young people, giving them shelter and a bed when there's no alternative. My sympathies were already engaged as Sarah makes a regular contribution to Centrepoint in London, and I once made a film for the BBC featuring the charity in the '80s. In those days for many of the young, trying their luck on the streets of London was often, if not always, a bit of an adventure. Not so in today's harsher climate, and this was the first I'd heard of Centrepoint in Manchester.  But they are here because of the obvious need. This must have been one of the easier sells for the young man before me, and we did a trade: a photo for a signature, and a little bit of a shout out for Centrepoint, an altogether admirable charity. 

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