Pap of Glencoe

If you glance left (lochward) from the main road as you head west from Ardgour you see a wee pillar at the end of a flat grassy spit of land, Sallachan Point. My first thought on such an object -a steep sided truncated pyramid-is that it is perhaps a triangulation pillar (trig point) and without nearby familiar objects to offer context the brain's perception is of a structure say four feet in height.
I stopped for my lunch on my commute home from site and took the opportunity to investigate. After walking quite a long way I realised it was still staying quite small and distant in my view. A mile from my parking point at Sallachan bridge the wee pillar started to get scale. Adding to the deception is that the structure is built a short distance down from the top shore line so the road side view allows you only to see the top half. As you can see it is a navigation aid of proportions similar to that of a small light house. South of Corran Narrows Loch Linnhe widens considerably and this view is taking in the entrance to Loch Leven and Glencoe. The big hills are lost in cloud but the Pap is in clear view.

Just because something looks small it might be big and a very long way away.  

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