Building blocks

Both children came to see us this morning while Mum and Dad went on a run. Little Missy built this while I was taking some last photos of the Christmas tree before it was dismantled. Then she asked me to photograph her building for the school web site. She was intrigued by my different lenses so we took a few photos to show what they could do.

We did some painting and then a big cleanup!! Snack and a bit of Tv till parents arrived.

Ro and I were supposed to go out to try an over the shoulder strap for my DSLR because it’s too much for my neck. I wanted to try them out but the shops that did have what I wanted in said they wouldn’t open the pack unless we bought it so you couldn’t try. So in the end we spent a bit longer looking at videos and then sent for one from Amazon. No point in paying more. It should arrive on Monday!

I’m having a problem with my Powershot. The dial on the back, used to change settings etc is slipping. I think I need a trip to the local camera shop. :/

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