Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Afternoon walk

Feeding then a shorter run at a faster pace. My hypermobility has flared so knees are a bit painful. After that I took it easy. Reading a very interesting book Wilding: the return of nature to a British farm by Isabella Tree. Interesting bit from today's reading of it is the hair whorls on animals and humans. I googled it and have been lost in a sea of studies on different animals and humans and how where whorls placement shows behavioural traits etc. Hair whorls are grown and are linked with the brain. Who knew? Still researching the dogs ones but interesting with the cattle and horses that whorls on the face above the eyeline were more likely to be highly strung and ones in the eyeline and below are calmer. So tomorrow I will be looking closely for whorl placements on the cattle!!

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