a town called E.

By Eej

Larry and Lenny

There was grumpiness today, I hate to admit it. Right from the start. Probably in my dreams as well. Stuff not going how I thought it would, stuff not going how I WANT it to.
It all added up to something not even Ness's stash of mini-snickers was able to fix. And lord, I tried. And tried. And tried another ;)
It didn't help that today is/was Sinterklaas which is only the bestest Dutch thing ever. I got all weepy when the radio played a song that in no way warrants getting weepy over, as I did a little wallow in self-pity.

Then I got home and turned on the computer and ooooooooooh! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!
You know when something makes you cry and laugh at the same time and it's not only sweet and lovely but also timely? Yeah, that.

Who needs an angel when you have a Blipton (riding a pink flamingo called Lenny) in your tree?


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