Catching up

We stayed over in Sheffield after a lovely evening catching up with Su and Steve. Then we headed North after breakfast and met 4 other friends for lunch at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Lunch was good but the light was poor so we didn't hang around taking pictures for very long.
Back to ours to show off the new garden room. Much drinking of tea and coffee and lots of finding out what everyone had been up to over Christmas. B ad D won. Their very high achieving family includes a grandson taking part in the BBC young dancer competition and another's DJing taking off. If that wasn't enough their son is being awarded for his work on encouraging HIV testing. He's been positive for the virus for 20 years and with new treatments it is undetectable in his system and untransmittable. Never a better time to campaign for folk to set aside their fears and grasp the reality.
G and D stayed for dinner and after try left we went to bed tired but happy. Now only a few more pre Christmas get togethers that were cancelled because of illness still needing to be caught up on.

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