Wichita Lineman

After a thrilling morning sorting more stuff, taking stuff to the tip, buying new stuff and then eating other stuff I decided I needed some fresh air.

Molly and I set off up the Icknield way. I'm always a little disappointed that its not more of a Hollow Road, it is after all a very ancient path. I suspect that farmers have used the original path as part of the hedgerow, reinstating the path alongside. Anyway we walked up to Catley Park which is a derelict property overlooking the village. It's always very quiet up there, eerie, but I like the peace. With only the singing in the wires from the nearby pylons and a bit of nature to break the silence. We saw an owl and a fox, Molly was very interested in the fox. She was also very interested in the massive badger set we found.

We wandered back down to the village taking a route through a field with horses in it. Molly being a very obedient hound generally doesn't walk on the lead as she does what she's told. Seems the horses didn't like this, employing a big horse as a distraction whilst a sneaky little horse sneaked up behind her and tried to bite her. I told the horses to eff right off, Molly scarpered back through the gate and as there was no way she was going back through the field we had a massive detour to get home. She is fine, seems the horse was all teeth and no actual bite.

The extra is a shot I can never get right of the pylons, I hope you are all humming the song ;)

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