
By TheHairyPict

Iceberg off South Georgia

Second day of steaming from the Falklands to South Georgia. Passed Shag Rock, off the NW etxremity of the South Georgia complex about 2pm. Abouth 3.30pm we passed within a few miles of a large iceberg, must have been more than 100' high. Then at about 4pm we encountered a school of somewhere between 100 and 200 Humpback whales. It was mind blowing, there were whales everywhere you looked, breaching and diving all the time. Even the naturalists on the boat said they'd never seen anything like it. Mixed up with them were vast flocks of soaring birds: giant petrels; albatross; prions and chin strap penguins, not to the mention the fur seals jumping out of the water like porpoises. There must have been a real feast of krill in the water! M would have been so thrilled --- she loved whale watching. So many pictures I couldn't possibly decide which one to post, so I just chose one of the iceberg, with a black-browed albatross in the foreground.

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