
And still I wait, with my down jacket on, for the estimates to install a new boiler to pop into my in-box or even the letter box.

The house seemed very quiet and cold today without the family around, so I made it my mission to procure some lentils other than red ones which must be very popular looking at the amount available. This was easier said than done, I may add, with the availability in the local shops non existent, but I finally tracked them down. Puy lentils. A small victory!

I took this blip of a grotty gate way to some sort of substation on my way home this morning and if there is any relevance to my blog today it can only be that I know of five people escaping some of Scotland’s winter- two going to Australia for 3 weeks, one going to Trinidad for a month and two more going to the Caribbean for 6 weeks.
Envious? Me? Never. I’ve just had the intense pleasure of spending an hour in the warmth of the gym........again.

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