Ghost Rider

Ghost rider

branding iron
lasso twirling
spinal roper

shadow riding
side saddled
in spurs

lariat cinched

For the Record
This day came in sunny and cold.

Whatever the colonoscopy contortionists did yesterday while I was on the table has me contorted with intense back pain today. I went in with a back that I had pulled on Tuesday morning bending over the bin of birdseed. Add a sleepless night and a million trips to a 'throne' that killed me to bend to sit on it. I suspect that they aggravated my back further moving me around while I was sedated.

T stayed home and is taking me to my beloved chiropractor soon. T had the brilliant idea to bring one of our summer lounge chairs into the house from the barn. I have found a temporary position of relief with ice on my left lower back. All movements are agonizing, what a tearful woebegone mess I am.

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