Welcome Home Bouquet

From our travel agency in Delft!  It actually arrived late yesterday afternoon so I knew I was going to shoot it today.  Usually, there's a 'Welcome Home' postcard waiting for us by the time we turn the key to go inside.  We didn't see any when we sorted the mail, so I thought it just got delayed due to bad weather, or they stopped the tradition entirely.  Very late in the afternoon, though, the doorbell rang and there it was, with a little note that said 'Despite the sad start to your holiday, we hope that you both were able to enjoy the rest of the trip.'  Now wasn't that sweet of them?  I forgot to phone them to thank them, should do it tomorrow, for sure.

Wrapped up the bookkeeping for 2018, everything checked out.
Sorted out and scanned the hospital bills and receipts we began with yesterday and sent the copies to our insurance agency, and they responded immediately, too.  They will get back to us.
Continued with my Humanism MOOC ... now that's a really interesting subject, but I'm also interested in the way it's being taught.
By now, I gather you've guessed I could work at home today.

More than these, AW and I found time for some serious decisions.  There will most likely be no long holiday this summer as we would like to restore more balance (excuse the pun) in our bank accounts, which will also mean less stress for me.  That means nothing further than somewhere in Europe this year, and nothing longer than a couple of weeks, even though I am getting a week extra again from work.  For the winter, though, I have 'warned' AW that a surprise is in store.  As he reads this journal once in a while, I had better not mention it here either.  As for the rest of the time in the summer, I am thinking of catching up with my reading.  Also, I've decided to brush up on my Spanish.  Yes, not one but three Spanish MOOCs are lined up, all for A1 level.  I'm going for the program certificate, too.  And then there is some genealogy research that also needs to plod on, albeit at a much, much slower pace.  Plans, plans, plans ... and I wonder what will disrupt them.

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