Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A book of trees

My #2 son bought me a book called Native Trees of the Southeast.   I had mentioned to him and his wife that there are trees in the forest that I don't recognize and actually no way of look up the leaves, seed pods or any other identifier like bark if I don't have a photo to put the items side by side.   So this book is very detailed and shows leaves, bark, fruit/flower and seed pods.  However it is written in the scientific name first so I will be spending my time hunting for the tree that I might be trying to identify.     I think once I get used to the book it will help greatly when I see a seed pod or a leaf and ask.."What kind of tree is this"?

I did know this seed pod belongs to the American Sycamore tree.  The tree has the most amazing camouflage  peeling bark as seen in the extra. Sometimes the leaves of this tree here in the southeast get wide and round as a persons face.  

He also got me a little Wildflowers of the Southeast flower identifying book and sections are based on the color of the flowers.   So those little yellow flowers along the road and trail  can be looked up by color!   This little book will go in my backpack.   As soon as I notice flowers blooming along the trail I will be blipping the book with the flower.    I already had a book like this for Colorado wildflowers so I know I will use this book all spring, summer and fall.  

Our warm weather continues but this afternoon it got very cloudy but no rain but windy.  Tomorrow is cooler and then below freezing tomorrow night with colder days coming along with rain.  Welcome back to winter.  

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