The Pursuit of ....

By Amroi


Had a bit of a blip crisis with yesterday's blip - between technology issues making loading a nightmare, and then an error in what I loaded resulting in the need to reload something else, I have kept it simple today.

I went with DesertCamel to her photo group morning; and benefited from a bit of extra tuition on using my Mac properly. Apparently, it helps if you spend time playing and trying out different things! Then we headed out to a new spot to watch the dhows going out for their days fishing expedition. I know, I know - we have spent a lot of time pursuing dhows and sunsets. Speaking of which; we watched the sun setting for a bit; until we decided that it was not going to be as spectacular as a few days ago (and DesertCamel had felt I had featured in enough of her photos for sufficient artistry for today). We headed home, all the while checking on the sunset through the back window, and what do you know - someone texted to say spectacular sunset just after we popped into the supermarket - so missed it! Unless they were smoking something and it wasn't any better than we had left it.

This is a more modern (and smaller) fishing boat returning from what I hope was a successful run.

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