
By Mal49


After temperatures of 20 and 22 over the last two weeks, you could shut your eyes and walk off the ship int a 32 deg at 8.30 this morning and know you were home. Today’s blip is of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Built in 1923, as an apprentice boilermaker in the 60’s I occasionally worked for a firm owned by a man who started his working life as a riveter on the bridge. His job entailed catching the rivets which had been heated red hot in a furnace, placing them in the holes drilled in the beams. Finally using a steam powered rivet gun, the process of rounding and setting the rivet commenced. Engineering has come a long way.
Extra photo, I realised that for the last 14 days I had shown many shots from the ship but no god ones of the Majestic Princess. This afternoon she headed off doing the same cruise we had completed but by doing the New Zealand North Island first. My second shot was a given, I like the look of “where is my breakfast”. Thanks for your visit and I will be responding to your blips from the last weeks.

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