Beware Of The Dog, Allington

 I love photography so much, even more so than when I started to realise an image could be a work of fiction as much as a novel or  a short story. With so many great photographers they are interpreting the world as they see it and it is as much to do with what they leave out of the frame  as to what it is within it. A photograph can sometimes express emotions, uneasiness, joy, despair and intensity far more evocatively than words. I've just bought a superb book called Frame by  the brilliant photographer Mark Cohen, and it's an absolute prime example of someone showing through his images how he sees the world, his world and the environment and the people that surrounded him, whether it was his local town or far flung places he traveled to. Even the way he printed his photographs or darkened the shadows or pushed the highlights or used flash can change the way you see his work. I also love the fact that any number of people can look at an image and see it a completely different way which is always the way I think it should be - the best, most iconic images can be viewed this way and that is what makes then stand out.
With my second image I decided to use the frame to crop out the last part of the sentence "with Jesus" which would have change the image completely.

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