To the wire ..............

Me and my Ebooks.  I've been working on my '2015 Memories by HareBrain' ALL day and the offer of more free pages to my book ends tomorrow at midnight ......  You know what I'll be doing tomorrow as well then!

I'm nurturing yet another head cold and didn't blip yesterday as I felt really under par, however I rallied somewhat  by the evening (being the ever dutiful wife) to accompany Mr T to have dinner with a newly found aviation friend and his partner.(Mr T knows A from past aviation experiences and couldn't believe it when A walked onto the model flying field and recognised Mr T of old ....  well A said Mr T hadn't aged a bit since their last meeting several years ago!! and invited us for dinner last night) - we had a wonderful evening in a beautifully restored Barn with a wonderful meal cooked by A's partner S and although I hadn't met A or S before we all got on really well.  Considering I was feeling crap I was an ideal guest, helping S at all times whilst  the men were deep in aviation conversation and memories!!

Apart from visiting the computer again tomorrow I'm desperately in need of some fresh air.

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