
By JanBee

Art for Arts Sake

Nietzsche got it wrong.
It not the will to power,
It's the will for art.

Received this lovely Christmas card from my nephew Jonathan and his lovely wife Mila, with glorious artwork by their young son Daniel. I can't work out what relationship I am to Daniel, but I think I must be his Great Aunt ... which makes me want to wear voluminous skirts and outrageous hats ( at last!!).

Anyway, I can see a budding artist there ... I love the way certain parts are quite deliberate and other parts are wild and free. I also like the fact that he doesn't feel constrained by the boundaries of the page, with a wild red line straying onto the next page. I wonder how young children see their own drawings. They obviously have an image in their minds, which they try and express. It must be frustrating to have not yet developed the motor skills to be able to do it as they see it.

A bit like when we (or I ) try and sing ... we have a sound track in our heads with full orchestration and backing singers, with our own voice sounding just like the record .... except it never sounds like that on the outside. Such is life ...

But back to the artwork ... it seems to me that the most constant aspect oif the human spirit is the need to express itself creatively somehow, though art, music, dance, photography ..... whatever ..... the "power" should be the power and freedom to express yourself ....
... here endeth my philosophical ramblings ....

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