A-chord-ing to Asha

Today was Asha's first guitar lesson with our friend John! She was so excited, by the end of it she was able to play Twinkle Twinkle! He'd made her a little booklet explaining all the different parts of the guitar and what chords were etc... She's delighted! He's doing it all for free as well which is amazing - things like this cost a lot here normally. 

NB: for any guitar playing blippers out there, she's now holding it the right way round! Ha!!

More sleeping bags, underwear, hats and gloves given out today! And Stephen over for dinner after he and Danny finished at the prison. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with my Bible whilst Nate napped this afternoon.
2) Gill.
3) John being so generous with his time and knowledge.

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