Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Keeping the home fires burning...

Winter has arrived at the little outstation at Easdale and MacNugget the local coal man from Oban is making an early morning delivery of the black gold to help see the driver MacCoul and his mate through the winter. As usual MacCoul forgot to order a delivery. (Remember, I make this nonsense up as I go along) The coal sacks are frozen together and they weigh heavy because they're covered in frozen snow. Prising them apart is like rubbing your knuckles on sandpaper and lifting the dead weight wet black sacks is back breaking but it has to be done.

MacNugget doesn't mind doing these emergency jobs as Depot Manager MacCoul never counts the bags or check that he's getting 1cwt of coal rather than 50/50 coal and ice! There'll be a celebratory 'heavy' or two in the Oban Inn bar tonight for MacNugget and his mate McDuff and maybe extra chips at the George Street Chippy.

Anyway the Oban bus is frozen solid and needs a tow start and MacCoul is dragging it around the yard with his Fordson Major Diesel tractor. Counting bags of coal is the last thing on his mind. As soon as his Albion bursts into life he has to get out to plough and grit the hill before he can get up to Balvicar otherwise everyone is stuck!

Names and places have been changed to protect the innocent.

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