
By 1YearInAddis

Mountaintop church

This is my friend Erle, entering the alcove prior to one of Tigray's rock hewn churches. This church is one in the Gheralta cluster, and dates back to the fourth century. It was reportedly established by one of the nine Syrian monks who brought Christianity to Ethiopia. Sadly, I can't remember the name of this church, but I will post it on another blog.

First, let me say that this is a must-see, must-do if you are in this part of the world. Second, the climb up is the scariest thing I have ever done. In the photo, you can see a bit of the ledge that you have to walk on to enter the church. It's only about two feet wide, twenty feet long with a drop of maybe 200m to one side. And this isn't the only bad part. Sometimes there are drops on both sides.
I'm not bragging. I kept my eyes,hands,feet and butt glued to the rock whenever possible. No enjoying the view until I was at least 10 feet from a ledge. But it was still cool.
I can only blip one photo of this but if you want to see more, send me your email address in the comments and I can share more by dropbox. I promise no spam or viruses.

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