Now Agriculture 'Swims' In Chemicals

This week, Grüne Woche will open and there will be a huge demonstration against all that it stands for .
Basically the above "We plough the fields and scatter " image is no more .Farms have become greater mixes of chemicals & vile abuse of all livestock .The videos of such I won't show but give you a link to document re the French Courts who have banned Monsanto's evil 'round up weedkiller ' .Germany where Bayer is Monsanto is being held to task as it has deliberately mislead the EU. I've no children or grandchildren but worry for the future of the young .Already chemicals present in so much food are showing their toxic nature by illnesses  .
Saturday I shall attend the registered demo and take my camera .As a lighter link I add  A video of  the starlings made yesterday. The extra is a German reporter who was thrilled I was British and asked to do an interview . I asked what he'd come across so far. Seems the German public were saddened by last nights debacle
To Monsanto / Bayer ,France Says No

Ziggy & His Starlets Stay For Winter

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