A New Day

By ANewDay

Sunny Arbroath

A visit to my hairdresser in Carnoustie today, but we deliberately left early for the appointment so that we could call in to Arbroath as it was such a beautiful sunny day.  The harbour was looking sparkling in the bright light and I enjoyed taking lots of shots (more in Extras).I hope they will bring back happy memories for Apothecary7 who used to work near here:-)

We left the hairdresser at 3.15 pm and headed home, a journey that would usually take just over an hour.  We finally arrived home at 6.30 pm, having got caught up in a huge traffic jam on the A90 Dundee to Perth road!  Apparently there was a bad accident on the road at lunchtime and both lanes to Perth were blocked.  The traffic was diverted off the main road - and back towards Dundee!!  No Diversion signs anywhere to be seen, so we just followed all the cars in front and hoped they knew where they were going in the pitch black!  A very hairy ride across the hills via Pitroddie and Kinfauns before we were able to get back on the main road.  

A Gold Star to TJ for getting us home safely:-)

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