
By PaulaJ

From the sublime . . .

. . . to Christmas shopping!

The concert last night was excellent and we were very impressed with the refurbished Whitley Bay Playhouse. It was a packed and very enthusiastic audience for June Tabor and the Oysterband. A great evening. And we were so relieved not to have to make our way back home in the dark and the freezing temperatures.

Woke to a bright morning. Okay, it was cold and windy - bracing even. But we had a great walk along the beach, watching the spray from the waves and the numerous people with their dogs. It may be an ordinary occurrence for some people, but we don't get to do it very often. What with that, and the cooked breakfast, we felt we were on holiday!

And then we went to the Metro Centre to do some shopping. We couldn't find anything we were looking for, but I did search out happen upon by chance the Apple Store. I drooled over the new retina screen iMac and various other magical items. However, as anything would have been just an update of what I already have, I could not even think of buying. So I made what the Rower calls a pretend Christmas list and, with some food from M&S, we set off again.

Getting out of the car park was an adventure. I do believe that these places make it as difficult as possible for you to get out in the hope maybe that you will give up and return to buy some more. Always assuming that you had bought anything in the first place of course. Then it was on to Toys R Us, where we spent what I think was a happy hour. This was a first for us, but very successful and the grandchildren are now sorted. This time last year I was putting the finishing touches to a big dolls' house that a local toymaker made for us and I decorated and furnished. This year it's Lego and games.

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