Through these eyes

By kwdiane

A Rude Awakening

Not my usual kind of blip......but then again its not been a usual kind of day!

We woke just before 6 to what sounded like a waterfall. As we opened the bedroom door we were greeted by a river of water flowing down the hall from the bathroom (never something you want to see at that time in the morning! or any other time for that matter).  A pipe had burst under the sink and the water was gushing out.  A mad dash to the stop tap in the kitchen and the long clean up began.

I can't believe how lucky we have been. OK, so we will probably need new carpets but it could have been sooo much worse!  We had just got back from a few days away and if it had happened a few hours later we would both have been out of the house for most of the day.  I can't imagine how much damage a few hours (or even days) of that gushing water would have caused!

In other news.....see kwchas blip (here) for today's other excitement!

2019 walk 1000 miles challenge:
Total “Boots On” mileage: 68.2
Total daily mileage: 85.9
Target mileage: 43.8

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