Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

What am I ?

No prizes kids, it’s just for fun. Answer tomorrow.

My day was variable. Definitely feeling better than yesterday and managed a grumpy morning of working from home. Grumpy and stressy. Got told off for it which is fine, I deserved it. I’m just too old for all this.

J came in and did her magic cleaning thing. Gave her a vegan cup cake and a cup of coffee.

Hoover is broken again. Can’t find my wallet. Banged my head on the light and it fell down. That sort of a day. Little annoying things like buzzing flies.

All caught up with me at lunchtime so I slept, rather heavily. Not so good tonight, TSM also. We lay on the settee like a pair of spluttering, coughing old farts. Except in my case you can omit the word "like".

Bloody cold. I want to be well, warm, organised and in a different job. Is that too much to ask?

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