
By AndyG1982

Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

It's been a long slow day. I was at work early and left late. I returned home lacking motivation. I was struggling for a blip. I turned to the internet for inspiration. There's a website I like called daysoftheyear.com
It lists every holiday celebrated on every day of the year. Some of them are quite fun. I am particularly looking forward to beer can appreciatian day.
According to this website, today is the day to ditch your resolutions. Just admit that you so t do them and you won't change.
For some reason this inspired me. To not give up. I will prove the internet wrong. Im doing well with my resolutions so far. And I will continue to do so!
Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

I was only at 7500 steps. So after dinner I walked around the house for 45 minutes until I hit my 10k.
I took the pic above to celebrate.

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