Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, my marriage.
Except that my marriage didn't end in a death.

I was almost in position this evening to get a glorious shot along the Mall of the sun setting behind Buckingham Palace, but when the traffic lights around Trafalgar Square changed in order to give priority to pedestrians crossing Whitehall from the Strand towards The Mall, a pink lycra-clad British female cyclist chose to shoot the lights, knock down a German pedestrian tourist who was obeying the lights, and then shout abuse at him. So I stopped to check he was OK, apologised for the appalling behaviour of my fellow citizen, and carried along my way, by which time the sun had just done that thing it does at bed time and I had missed it.


Here is a girl with wings, and a horse. Or is it a horse with wings and a girl? Frankly, I don't care. There is a horse and a girl and wings and I couldn't give a flying one about which belongs to whom

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