I felt compelled to do a bike related blip after having watched the BBC special "War on Britain's Roads", which has kicked up a massive storm in the cycle world, some feeling that it deters many from even considering getting on a bike, while showing the dangers that a lot of us have to contend with while sharing space on the road with potential killers.

In fairness, there were cyclists in the documentary that were complete dicks, and who overreacted at some of the drivers' minor errors. But they certainly weren't as big of dicks as the drivers who felt they needed to get out of their cars and assault the cyclists. At the end of the day, drivers need to give bikes their space, and cyclists need to ride responsibly and follow the damn rules of the road. I get so pissed whenever I see a cyclist run a red light. I just think "Great, now every car that just saw you do that will feel that cyclists don't deserve the same rights to the road, and will treat us as such. Thanks twat."

It's not a war. I felt perfectly safe riding around Edinburgh's roads for 5 years and I feel perfectly safe riding around Manchester's roads now. Just be courteous, smart, and get some bright shiny lights.

One plus side from this documentary, I heard our Edinburgh branch has sold through all of the GoPro cameras they just got in!

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