Please stop this now

A bit of a catch up after the momentous enervating days of national crisis without end.

The church at St Michele a Muscoli as I drove back down familiar lanes to Fiesole.

I’d tried to get out to the house but the Pass was v dodgy with ice and packed snow.

The steep hills and vineyards all looking disheveled, dripping with damp. Lots of flocks of chaffinches, jays, hoodies, a green woodpecker.

Later the sun shone beguiling like Tony Blair on Today yesterday. I wrote about it in my blog here

Brexit is sucking the life out of me, making me a mangy dog, unsure of which way is up, one day this, the next day that, nothing holding steady. I’ve gone from reluctantly supporting May’s Deal to thinking a referendum, with all its dire consequences, is the only way out of this mess. And yet I don’t really know.

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