
I had a most pleasant morning at the day job. Not many people are around on a Friday and one favourite colleague was in. Good conversation ensued.

The afternoon brought two more delightful colleagues. The first one is an older woman than me who said that she’s decided I’m actually a white witch, a healer. I felt like I had arrived. The woman who first taught me massage is a white witch, I’m certain. To join her company is a true privilege.

The second client was new to me and she has been dealt a tough hand by life. She asked me what she could do to cope with the considerable stress in her life. I repeated back to her the four things she told me she was already doing. So much of the job is listening, both to words and to muscles. I added that from time to time she should shoogle her bahookie. I dare anyone to feel anything other than joy when wiggling their bottom. Fact!

A bit of laughter aside, today I really tuned in to both the spiritual and deeply practical gifts of massage and felt truly grateful to be a massage therapist.

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