Meet Coco

This morning I drove out to my friends in the country to meet their new dog named Coco. She is such a perfect dog for them. Their beloved black lab, Angie, died a few months ago. They have been looking for another dog that is not black, as a reminder.  Coco is such a wonderful rescue of about 6 years old. Good manners, obvious training, sweet disposition, calm and nearly no barking.
We just sat around in the living room talking about all the wonderful things Coco brings to the family. It was like a group blessing. We are all happy with the joy Coco brings. I will work on getting better photos.

But I had to get home quickly on VERY icy country roads before the BIG storm was to hit at 2 p.m. Actually, it began to fall steady and solid at 2:30. They predict 2 to 3 inches per hour until 2 p.m. tomorrow! My snow shoveling girl/young woman, Jessie, will probably come over on Monday to dig me out. We'll see what happens. All the snowmobilers here are going to be very happy.
For a Saturday afternoon, it was surprising to see nearly NO vehicles on the roads on my way home. Everyone is properly hunkered down. I am as well. We are well-provisioned, warm and napping. Well, the cats are napping. I have oodles of books and DVDs for entertainment. The bird feeders are full. So, let the snow fall...

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