
A change of hair colour at the hairdressers this morning. It’s been a while since I went all coppery. Thought it was time to shake things up a bit!
You would think that there would be nothing more relaxing than a lovely dog walk on a Saturday afternoon. Well, you would be wrong. All was going well and then we met Sandra with Ollie the lab who would not not get out of the ditch . There was obviously something nice and smelly on the other side of the fence. ‘It’s ok Ollie , I’ll go’ said Pippa. ‘I can fit under the fence!’
So under she went and would not come back. There was a tasty deer carcass which was very tasty! Pippa got a huge bit of it and would not let go. G climbed the fence to get her nearly killing himself in the process. He had great difficulty catching her . She would not leave the deer. He finally got hold of her and had to walk the length of the fence until he could get back to the path. Meanwhile Ollie came back and Sandra got him on the lead. Pippa ate her tea and seems quite happy with herself!

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