Daffodil in mono

Leaving work later than usual, i got me and the dogs out for a walk before feeding the horses and putting warmer rugs on them for the colder night ahead. Me and the dogs lay on a blanket and chilled out to the sound of horses eating and nibbling.

I then dropped off Sigyn with the In-Laws whilst me and Talisker went to visit a local old folks home in our pet therapy work. It was his first visit there and he was his usual delightful self. Aside from a couple of distractions from resident cats and the occasional plate of unfinished food. Our Therapet Rep attended to assess him for future work which will be with children and he passed with flying colours. He's such a dude.

Before home, I purchased a gorgeous light shade for our sitting room, a funky footstool and a random cushion. Love having a home to buy things for. And SO LOVE being at home this evening with Gorgeous.

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