Garbled nonsense

One of my colleagues today said I was like Theresa May. I was dumbfounded with speechlessness until he pointed out that he meant it as a compliment that I was relentless in trying to make the best I could out of a bad job. I decided to take it in the spirit as he intended.

Daisy has come down from her stoned nonsense of yesterday. Jay and I have made great strides in nearly deciding about new sofa covers. There were sausages for tea. And a late afternoon walk for Rosie. We soon made all those seagulls fly away no problem. I have been reading up a lot about outside swimming recently. I was bloody freezing walking on the beach, I spent some time considering what it would be like to take off most of my clothes and get in the water. Rosie obvs gave it no such consideration and just waded straight in. I need to instigate a more dog like approach to life.

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