A very moooving photo

Déjà Moo: The feeling you’ve heard this bull before
Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.
What do you call a feminine cow? A dairy queen
Where do steers go to dance?  The Meat Ball

Q: What did the mommy cow say to the baby cow?
A: It’s pasture bedtime.

Q: What were the cows favorite subjects in school?
A: Moosic, psycowlogy, and cowculus

Q: What was the name of the cow at the round table?
A: Sir loin

What did the bored cow say when she got up in the morning?
“It’s just an udder day”.

What happened to the lost cattle?
Nobody’s herd.

Why doesn’t Sweden export it’s cattle?
It wants to keep it’s Stockholm!

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