
A dip in the pool with Anne first thing and then Mike picked me up as Anne had a meeting in Inverness .
As always we popped down to Ferry Point.This time the tide was out.Hundreds of ,what I think were, Knot were busy feeding on the muddy banks.A large group of wigeon were up on the grass but flew down into the water when a large Alsatian came running along chasing his ball.
The sun was just coming up and made the mud turn a golden colour. Red shanks joined the knot.
Home and a few jobs around the house.The sparrowhawk made an appearance.
Richard and Ronnie came over for a Burns night supper.It was lovely to see them both and catch up on their news.
The weather is not very nice, up to 5 degrees during the day so the ice and snow has disappeared although we are back down to 2 degrees now.
I liked this very short verse by Burns called

The Bookworm.
‘Through and through th’ inspir’d leaves,
Ye maggots ,make your windings;
But,O respect his Lordship’s taste,
And spare his golden bindings.

Happy Burns Night

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