He's ready!

We had to go into the town for messages today.  Hen food mainly!  It's a dear do, 40 miles round trip, so we made the most of it and did other things while we were in, like visiting the industrial suppliers, the book shop and taking three bags to the charity shop.  

In the charity shop I found a pile of very old knitting booklets, 20p each.  A bargain!  This one is excellent - it is Vogue's 32nd Knitting Book, I'm pretty sure it is from 1948. The Cow and Gate advert says he will be ready for the future when the world has turned the corner.  I hope so!  It is full of references to the shortages, coupons, the new prince, the fact that items are now available in cartons again and the interesting fact that "When milk is short Weetabix is just as delicious with jam, stewed fruit or a savoury"!

An advert for Ladyship wool:
"Baa baa Ladyship have you any wool?
Yes ma'am, yes ma'am a few bags full . . . 
But some of it's for export and our mill is short of hands
So there isn't quite enough yet for every one's demands.

There is also a Vogue recipe book advertised for "Vogue standard meals from present standard rations".  5s 7d, by cheque or postal order.  When did you last buy a postal order?  Weren't they a wonderful birthday present?  I always got a 7s 6d one from my mother's bridesmaid Nancy!

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