Just Like A Tree Planted By The Water...

Just over 18 years ago,on a Sunday morning, the choir was gathered in the choir room getting ready to pray before we went out to begin the service.  As we started to pray, we heard sirens and our director prayed for those people involved in the accident those sirens surely were headed to.  None of us knew that our church organist was critically injured in that accident and though he survived, we would need a sub for him----and into our church and our lives walked Janice Thurman.  She has been with us ever since, blessing our lives with her amazing talent and her sweet humble spirit  Much of what she did was behind the scenes, but it was always to help people and glorify God.  At her service today, the minister spoke from Psalm 1 about a tree growing by the water and bearing its fruit for generations to come---that was Janice and our lives are all richer because she was a part of our church and a friend to so many of us....

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