As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


This morning, the track team went to the Long Beach Hot Chocolate Relays. Long Beach was hit pretty hard by Sandy, and they lost a ton of the schools uniforms and equipment for sports, so this was a major fundraiser for them. We were running a little late, but we got there just in time for the SMR (Sprint Medley Relay). As we stepped off of the bus and headed to the track, we entered a cool Irish mist that made us think of Hedge. It seemed as though there were a lot of signs reminding us of him today...anyway, back to the races. I ran the lead-off leg in the 4x800 and ran around 2:18. I'm totally okay with that. Wesley, Anthony, and VASU ran the other legs, and we came in third place! The 4x200 ran after that, and then it was time for the DMR (Distance Medley Relay). It consists of a 1200, 400, 800, and 1600, and it's crazy. I ran the 1200 in 3:38, which is 14 seconds faster than last year, and soon after a pretty fast 800. Pat, Wesley, and Timmy ran the other legs and we came in third! The girls threw together a kickin' 4x400, and they, along with the boys 4x800 and DMR, all got mugs for coming in the top three places! I got two! I'm way too excited about this, but who cares. I took this picture of the team on the bus ride home. The ride back was filled with Hedge stories care of CaityMac (aka Rocket). As soon as we got back to the school, my mom picked me up and took me to the optician to get some new contact lenses and a new pair of glasses. I'm pretty happy with the pair I ended up with, and maybe you'll get a chance to see them soon. I went home for a quick shower, and then I had my first cello lesson at Molloy with Julia. It turns out that I've been doing everything wrong for the past nine years, and it's going to take some time to fix it, but hopefully I'll get it all under control in time for All State. The lesson was awesome and I have a lot to work on but I think I can handle it..

I got home, practiced for a little, and then had dinner. Danielle and Sam picked me up and we went to get Hershey's before picking up Kenny and going for an OP Run (driving along Ocean Parkway). We then went to Best Buy and ran into Cheese while he was trying to decide which Beyonce CD to buy.

Now I'm home blipping and getting ready for bed.

Word of the Day: Anopisthograph - A manuscript, parchment, or book having writing on only one side

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