Home and Away

By Anziegb


My new chair arrived today, my birthday chair. It might be a bit unusual to get a chair for your birthday but I needed this. Since May, when the island house furniture came out of storage, I've been working in my Old Office - which is about 8 feet to the right of this image, at the other end of the brown sofa.

The Old Office has seen a lot of action. The cushion is flattened out and the back more unsupportive than ever. I was beginning to get Typer's Shoulder (rounded and twingy).

This is my New Office. It's springy and firm. I have a footstool to prop my feet onto. Mr GB is in the process of making me a board to go across the top of the arms, for the full Virginia Woolf experience. (Not that we have much in common. But she didn't like working at tables either).

Chad is on his half term holiday and has just come in to the room to find me installed here, laptop on lap.
"Wow, new chair" he says.
"Isn't it fabulous?" I exclaim.
"Yeah. It's great mum. But it's a pity you look as if you have a tree growing out of your head".

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