OUTBACK AUSTRALIA.... Back When #75....

.. well been awhile since I have used an "old pic" from our collection in my Back when Series but after today it seemed like a good idea!!

Plus it seemed appropriate for Mono Monday with Jensphoto wanting some info on how/why we got into Blip and the origin of our Blip name?

Started Blipping in the end of March 2013 when I was looking for some inspiration to my photography, and found Blip searching on the web.
"What is in the name"  asks Jen - well as a student I really enjoyed sport and having fun rather than the study bit... BUT history did attract my interest  and with my given name (Thomas) well the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and Thomas a'Beckett drew some interest so there you have my Blip name origin!

Flat out most of the day to get the Newsletter done for here so I can get it printed by the end of the week. Along with some other "stuff" the day gone so here we are!

This is my first suit, must admit cannot recall exactly why I had it but seems like it must have been for a good reason .... lol!!

Enjoy and have a look in LARGE

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