
By Janewatt

Bargain dinner

Really pleased to see the man who puts the red late date stickers round the supermarket. So had crevettes dipped in a homemade sauce I made as an aperitif tonight.

Had kiné first thing then walk in Avranches Jardin des Plantes. Went Notaire's and made appointment for tommorow and called at Agri store. Asked if they knew someone who sells hay in small bales and eventually got name of man and general area he lives in. Finally tracked him down in pouring rain. Invited in for coffee before I'd even said why I was there!
Really lovely couple and 90 minutes of charming old French farmlife. He drove me in his ancient citroen down to barn and we got 6 bales. They are now stashed in my car.

Later called on neighbours to arrange emergency propping up of gate posts.

So getting on with preparations to go away.

30 minutes of snow this evening!

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