A Cracking Tale

My hubby gave me a lovely bit of jewellery for Christmas which I love. He also bought me a piece of blue Cornishware as seen in the photo. However, the eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted a little problem with it.
My jug came with the following explanation, written by hubby's own fair hand.
Top effort from my hubby. He gave me a replacement too :)

... used my proper camera :)

A Cracking Tale (by hubby)

On a mission he went
With serious intent
To buy his beloved
A present!

It didn't take long
His eyes fixed upon
An item he felt was
Spot on.

He bought it;
He bagged it;
At home he would wrap it;
He thought,
She would like it!

But tragedy struck;
His plan came unstuck,
When untied his shoelace became.
"Oh no!" he was heard to exclaim!

As he bent low
To fasten the bow,
It happened
As if in slo mo

The bag came adrift,
It's descent, it was swift,
With speed it did shift,
As the ground it did hit with a thunk!

His hopes, they were dashed
The gift, it was smashed;
The spring in his step;
It was gone.

With head bowed low,
To home he did go,
"Where can I find some glue?"

With the glue found
The bits they were bound;
From one side
It looked almost sound.

Carefully wrapped
A tag was attached;
At the foot of the tree,
It was placed.

It's lost all its cuteness;
It's probably useless;
At least it's use is exclusive!

As she unwraps the gift,
What becomes paramount,
Is the saying:
It's the thought that counts!

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