Platform 5 with icy stairs

Early 5.20 to the bus stop, to train to headquarters. I ate brilliant breakfast at the office's restaurant. A good day. Done a lot. Late from. One bus and one train, waiting for the next on Pasila cold station - 10c plus the wind. Had enough clothing, no worries.
Back home late in the evening. Train arrived to platform 5, which always has hard steps form me. Icy and so uncomfortable to walk. Now even slippery warning added. Knee-killing stairs. I found a lift down and used it instead .

Home by 19.50. A long day. Some shoveling, cleaning of the yard out of snow.

Had a light argue with hubby in the evening. I really can not understand people when they do not tell their opinion, do not remember obvious happenings, or if they do miss the logic. Sometimes apparently also even a clever guy can act really strangely.

I am a bit disappointed. No kiss goodnight for him.


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