Hanullis Tree Project

By HanulliTree

Snow #2

Today we had again some snow.
But it wasn't gentil, it was a snow storm with very wet flakes. They almost were blown horizontally. I got very wet and very cold....
The tree was white only from one side and the snow started to melt, because it begun to rain.
Here you can see a detail of the trunk...
We also scared a few roes that live below the tree. Sorry folks, just stay calm, you should know that in the meantime.
The last extra is a covered sunflower.
I was very glad when I was at home again to unfreeze.

Next week my Hanullis Tree Project will be one year old. Until then I hope that I manage all the backblips. There are missing a lot from summer and autumn. So please don't wonder about  blips of the wrong  season in the next days. I onlyntry to get this journal sorted...

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