
By biddy

Some things are inexplicable!

A trip to my chiropractor this morning, pronounced "really well" and  no need to see her for two months! 
3 years ago I was going twice a week. She gave me hope. 
I got off the bus and began to walk up by the small block of flats, and saw this wine glass stuck in the tangle of the cotoneaster, (at least I thought it was a cotoneaster) on the wall at the end of the block.  
      Celebrated by doing a 3 mile walk this afternoon! 
The sky was icy clear cerulean blue. The sun was bright. 
We stopped at our 2 mile mark for the usual coffee and on our way home our breath was turning to steam in the plummeting temperature as the sun was going down. 
   As we neared home there was a lovely sunset. 
Photos in extras. Part way round our walk and sundown.   
We now have the two Silent Witness episodes downloaded ready to watch later.     

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