Orb Web

There was fog this morning, which used to mean orb webs hanging all over the garden. Sadly, I looked all about, but this was the only one I found. I blame the red spider wasp that preys on big spiders.

Another hot day. The temperature hovered around 30ºC this afternoon, with a high of 30.5ºC. Once again we were saved from excessive heat by thin cloud. Rain is predicted for tomorrow. I do hope we get a good amount. In preparation I trimmed bushes and hedges along paths so that I can use them without getting wet. By 10.30 am I couldn’t stay out any longer and still have the trimmings to deal with.

In the extra shot is a balloon over the Torlesse arête. Castle Hill Peak is against the left-hand edge and The Gap is in the centre. Taken at 7.51am there was already a heat haze over the mountains.

Below the balloon are areas that are slightly golden. That is tussock land, perhaps where the tussock butterfly I blipped recently came from.

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